Singing Guide: Bag Raiders

Singing Guide: Bag Raiders

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Bag Raiders is an Australian electronic music duo formed in 2006. Their music style is a blend of dance, synth-pop, and electro house. Their unique vocal technique is defined by an energetic and high-pitched delivery that is often layered with harmonies.

To learn how to sing like Bag Raiders, there are some steps you can follow. Firstly, it’s essential to understand the type of voice you have. You can use our vocal range test to determine your voice type and what range you should be singing in. Bag Raiders’ music is high pitched, so they often use falsetto. If you struggle with this technique, our pitch training tool can help you build your range and improve your falsetto.

One of Bag Raiders most iconic songs is “Shooting Stars,” which showcases their high-pitched voice and harmonies. To learn this song effectively, check out our article on how to learn a song effectively.

Another critical aspect of Bag Raiders’ unique technique is breath support. To help you with this, we recommend our article on breath support and respiration.

Bag Raiders' music has intense energy and often features electronic sounds. To sing their songs, you need to have excellent control of your voice and technique. Our course on singing for beginners covers all of the basics, including breathing, voice registers, vocal breaks, and more.

By practicing Bag Raiders’ unique style with the help of our tools and resources, you can master their energetic vocals and intricate harmonies. Remember to warm up correctly before practicing, using exercises such as our Farinelli breathing exercise, which will help you to warm up your breath control and get you ready for high-energy performances.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.